With the windy weather that we had in February, this session had to be postponed a couple of times due to heavy sandstorms across the Emirates. As soon as the skies cleared a little, we rushed into the desert for the shoot, realizing just as we arrived how windy it still was. But in spite …

Don’t know if you’ve heard about Spartan Races, but they are basically a strenuous test to the contestants’ physical endurance and strength. This past 20th of February, the first Spartan Race in Dubai took place at the Jebel Ali Race Course – and if the 5km sprint race with obstacles wasn’t enough challenge already, a …
Now that the year is about to end and we start looking back while trying to assimilate how incredibly fast 2014 has gone by, I can officially say that it has truly been a great year overall. Lots of experiences to learn from and lots of things learned, and definitely lots of laughs, for which …
At the beginning of the year, two of our dear friends announced they were expecting their first baby. The official due date has not yet arrived, but little Leo grew very quickly and healthily, that we’ve had the pleasure of meeting him a little ahead of time. Fortunately, he gave us enough time to do …
Skype·ing with my brother and sister in law the other day, we somehow ended up talking about my first camera ever. It has been twelve years since I got into photography and asked him to buy it abroad for me. Later that same year I met the person that would be my life-long partner in …
Ntombi Couture draws their inspiration from African culture, patterns, colours and its overall boldness and authenticity. During the Fashion Week Middle East SS 2015 in Dubai, I had the pleasure of covering their show both off stage and on stage. For this event, the fashion visionary paired up with jewelry designer AYAM Africa, which matched …
You will not see this sweet baby’s cute little bum. I photographed it (in a soft beautiful back light I might add), but I promised little Emi wouldn’t suffer the embarrassment of having her cute bum published on the internet. Sorry, moms out there. Although I personally prefer baby feet, baby bums are still extra …
gökotta (Swedish) – to wake up early in the morning with the purpose of going outside to hear the first birds sing. If you enjoy long walks away from the city, spotting wild animals getting on with their daily activities and perhaps having a couple of them warm up to your presence and sharing a …
This spring, I had the pleasure of covering the First Communion of a group of over 30 children at the Jebel Ali St. Francis of Assisi Church. With so many children taking a step forward into their faith and what this represents to their families, it was quite a moving moment for many. I photographed …
Re·frac·tion “The change in direction of a wave due to a change in its transmission medium.” I spent a day walking the streets of London with family, my camera and a prism in front of it. Yes, people found it strange and stared. And even though they didn’t know, I could see them staring at …