Closing 2014 with a SMASH
Now that the year is about to end and we start looking back while trying to assimilate how incredibly fast 2014 has gone by, I can officially say that it has truly been a great year overall. Lots of experiences to learn from and lots of things learned, and definitely lots of laughs, for which I am incredibly grateful.
As a happy surprise, to close 2014, I got to do a cake smash session for the first time. A cake smash being a way to celebrate the very first birthday while allowing toddlers to do exactly what they are never allowed to do: eat and smash a cake. For this cute little one year old, mom chose the colour palette and the tutu, from which we worked together to create a set they would like and at the same time would bring the final images together.
I am sharing here with you some of the top picks from 2014’s first cake smash and last photo session.