…’N some resulting hyperactivity! Who doesn’t remember the dog they grew up with? Growing up with a pet is something amazing and worth remembering. Through them we learn so much and we build our own special connection with them. In this case, the eldest sister bathes and brushes the dog, while the little one chases …

For his birthday, his girlfriend gifted him a portraiture session – which let’s be honest, ended up being a very smart two-way gift as they would both enjoy the images that came out… 😉 And I’m sure she loved them, cause he looked dashing! Since the two of them came in for professional headshots before …
…And your career, while you’re at it 🙂 Not long ago, I wrote a post about how important internet first impressions are and what you should do to make the best of them. In case you missed it, click HERE first to get yourself started and learn the basics on why your profile photos are …
A girls’ day at the studio. For her birthday, her girlfriends decided to gift her a studio portraiture session. In turn, she asked to have all her friends with her. Without doubt this was one of the most active studio shoots I have done, as well as one of the most fun ever 🙂 These …
We are ready to receive your furry ones at the studio! From now on, studio portraits are no longer limited to hairless mammals such as us humans. For those of you who love their four-legged family members and believe they are the cutest thing ever, professional studio portraits are now available! Take a look at …
Now that the year is about to end and we start looking back while trying to assimilate how incredibly fast 2014 has gone by, I can officially say that it has truly been a great year overall. Lots of experiences to learn from and lots of things learned, and definitely lots of laughs, for which …
At the beginning of the year, two of our dear friends announced they were expecting their first baby. The official due date has not yet arrived, but little Leo grew very quickly and healthily, that we’ve had the pleasure of meeting him a little ahead of time. Fortunately, he gave us enough time to do …
Skype·ing with my brother and sister in law the other day, we somehow ended up talking about my first camera ever. It has been twelve years since I got into photography and asked him to buy it abroad for me. Later that same year I met the person that would be my life-long partner in …