…’N some resulting hyperactivity! Who doesn’t remember the dog they grew up with? Growing up with a pet is something amazing and worth remembering. Through them we learn so much and we build our own special connection with them. In this case, the eldest sister bathes and brushes the dog, while the little one chases …

For his birthday, his girlfriend gifted him a portraiture session – which let’s be honest, ended up being a very smart two-way gift as they would both enjoy the images that came out… 😉 And I’m sure she loved them, cause he looked dashing! Since the two of them came in for professional headshots before …
Right before temperatures in the Emirates soared and right before an imminent departure, this family had one last good run in Dubai’s dunes. After several years living in the UAE, their term has officially ended and they decided to celebrate it with a farewell session in the desert 🙂 We were on location about an …
We are ready to receive your furry ones at the studio! From now on, studio portraits are no longer limited to hairless mammals such as us humans. For those of you who love their four-legged family members and believe they are the cutest thing ever, professional studio portraits are now available! Take a look at …
Ntombi Couture draws their inspiration from African culture, patterns, colours and its overall boldness and authenticity. During the Fashion Week Middle East SS 2015 in Dubai, I had the pleasure of covering their show both off stage and on stage. For this event, the fashion visionary paired up with jewelry designer AYAM Africa, which matched …
This spring, I had the pleasure of covering the First Communion of a group of over 30 children at the Jebel Ali St. Francis of Assisi Church. With so many children taking a step forward into their faith and what this represents to their families, it was quite a moving moment for many. I photographed …
Birds have always captivated me without really knowing enough about them. I find them beautiful visually and symbolically; the colours their folded feathers hide, the textures and the shapes they form mid flight as they spread their wings. They are an inspiration all the way from aeronautical engineering to mythical creatures. In my imaginary worlds, …
Just recently, I learned about a photo technique called the Brenizer method. It took me a while to catch up on it but I had seen many images with this look before and wondered how the photographers had managed to make them. So obviously, once I learned, I had to give it a try. A …
Lately, crows have been stealing my attention. I first noticed them in Iceland. There was this Icelandic graphic artist work printed on home accessories that caught my interest (Sveinbjörg was the name). A couple of weeks later we moved and our new neighborhood seems to be swarming with crows and birds and parrots and some …
So I’ve already shared a video of our summer holidays in beautiful Iceland, but I don’t remember showing the trip’s photographs to even my family that came along. Long story short, my parents managed to make my brothers and me organize ourselves and made these holidays possible (we had been wanting to do something together …