Crash the session
For his birthday, his girlfriend gifted him a portraiture session – which let’s be honest, ended up being a very smart two-way gift as they would both enjoy the images that came out… 😉 And I’m sure she loved them, cause he looked dashing!
Since the two of them came in for professional headshots before his birthday shoot and they were both looking gorgeous, I couldn’t help asking her to crash his session in the end and make some portraits of them as a couple.
During all types of sessions, I help people get comfortable in front of my camera by directing them on their posing and expressions (or by bringing in my goofy self and trying to make them laugh). Because let’s be honest, very few people are actually happy about having their photos taken… But it amazes me how the whole dynamic changes instantly whenever you have someone else join them in front of the camera. It is as if they instantly felt more powerful and comfortable in their skin; they work as a team against their sense of vulnerability, and who better to team up with than your partner?
Can you spot the difference in his expression after she crashed the session? 🙂