Slowing down
We are probably never as conscious of the passage of time, as we are when a baby is born. The changes that take place on a daily basis make the fact that we must enjoy every day and every stage more evident, as time escapes us like water through our fingers.
While the memories of those first smiles, first words, first steps are without doubt engraved forever in mom and dad’s hearts, I can’t think of a greater honour than to have the opportunity to photograph them discovering what these new stages bring. I feel I am creating an image that through the years to come will evoke a torrent of emotions that are normally hidden under everyday duties and worries; under the quick flow of time. And the thing is, sometimes we have to slow down time to enjoy it; take a moment to feel.
The following portraits are part of a home session of a little 7 week old fella who is to the day, already desperate to walk and to run through life. ♥