We are probably never as conscious of the passage of time, as we are when a baby is born. The changes that take place on a daily basis make the fact that we must enjoy every day and every stage more evident, as time escapes us like water through our fingers. While the memories of …

…’N some resulting hyperactivity! Who doesn’t remember the dog they grew up with? Growing up with a pet is something amazing and worth remembering. Through them we learn so much and we build our own special connection with them. In this case, the eldest sister bathes and brushes the dog, while the little one chases …
This was officially my third session with this dearly loved family. I did their first family portraits when their firstborn turned 1 and they decided then to make it a yearly mission, to keep track of how the family grew and how time flew by. This year, the family grew by one 🙂 Seeing how …
Right before temperatures in the Emirates soared and right before an imminent departure, this family had one last good run in Dubai’s dunes. After several years living in the UAE, their term has officially ended and they decided to celebrate it with a farewell session in the desert 🙂 We were on location about an …
Now that the year is about to end and we start looking back while trying to assimilate how incredibly fast 2014 has gone by, I can officially say that it has truly been a great year overall. Lots of experiences to learn from and lots of things learned, and definitely lots of laughs, for which …
You will not see this sweet baby’s cute little bum. I photographed it (in a soft beautiful back light I might add), but I promised little Emi wouldn’t suffer the embarrassment of having her cute bum published on the internet. Sorry, moms out there. Although I personally prefer baby feet, baby bums are still extra …